Lotus Domino is an IBM server product that provides enterprise-grade e-mail, collaboration capabilities, and a custom application platform. Domino began life as Lotus Notes Server, the server component of Lotus Development Corporation's client-server messaging technology. It can be used as an application server for Lotus Notes applications and/or as a web server. It also has a built-in database system in the format of NSF. It's directory services can be used for authentication purposes as well

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mail quota information button

ction Button: @Command([ToolsRunMacro] ; "(database properties)" ) Agent: Agent Title: (database properties) Agent Type: Shared, Hidden Sub Initialize Dim session As New NotesSession Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim server As String Dim Size As Long Dim Quota As Double Set db = session.CurrentDatabase server=db.Server If server="" Then server="Local" End If size=db.Size/1056000 quota=db.SizeQuota/1024 Messagebox "Database Information:" &Chr(10)_ &Chr(10)_ & "Database Title: " & db.Title & Chr(10) _ & "Resides on Server: " & server & Chr(10) _ & "Full File Path name: " & db.FilePath & Chr(10) _ &Chr(10)_ & "Database Size Information:" & Chr(10) _ &Chr(10)_ & "Size (Mb): " & size & Chr(10) _ & "Quota: (Mb): " & quota & Chr(10) _ & "Percent used: " & db.PercentUsed & Chr(10) _ &Chr(10)_ & "Database Design Information:" & Chr(10) _ &Chr(10)_ & "Inherits from Template: " & db.DesignTemplateName & Chr(10)_ & "Database is the Template: " & db.TemplateName & Chr(10)_ & "Replica ID: " & db.ReplicaID,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION,"Database Property Synopsis" If quota <> 0 Then If size > quota Then Messagebox "You are Currently Over your quota" ,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION,"What this Agent Does" End If End If End Sub

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Error: The Administration Process is waiting for new mail fields in Person document

The following error occurs in the Domino server's LOG.NSF database for a particular person after moving their mail file using the Administration Process (AdminP):
Errors: Waiting for new mail fields
Resolving the problem Pull down the names.nsf from hubserver then use tel adminp process new

Thursday, October 24, 2013

When creating a new memo in a Lotus Notes client, is there a way to enable by default the "Do not expand personal groups" option in the Delivery Options?

To enable the "Do not expand personal groups" option by default, add the following parameter to the notes.ini file (c:\Notes directory) and restart the Notes client:


How to convert Note 8.x Standard to Basic

1.To launch Notes 8 (Basic Configuration), create a shortcut on your desktop to point to nlnotes.exe in the Notes program directory.Or, simply launch nlnotes.exe.

2.you can create a shortcut which executes notes.exe within the Notes program directory and add one of two command line switches, -sa or -basic. For example: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Notes\notes.exe -sa.

Parameter in notes.ini that can be used to control launching

Adding UseBasicNotes=1 to open Notes Basic

Adding UseBasicNotes=0, to open Standard client

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Remove archive profile from mail file

Create a hotspot button with below script and run with user mail file

Sub Click(Source As Button)
 Dim s As New NotesSession
 Dim db As Notesdatabase
 Dim doc As NotesDocument
 Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
 Set doc = db.GetProfileDocument("archive database profile")
 If Not Doc.IsNewNote Then
  Print "Found Profile"
  Print "Set field"
  Call doc.RemoveItem("ArchiveDatabase")
  Call doc.Save( False, True )
 End If
End Sub

Monday, May 6, 2013

"Icon Bar Window" error coming in Lotus Notes 8.5.2..

 Error Message "Icon Bar Window" start appearing in the taskbar everytime when open Notes or close any window inside Notes
Resolution : Delete Bookmark.nsf from notes data directory ..

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Document is in use by XXXX and has been locked

The Symantec AntiVirus/Filtering for Domino Settings database uses a document
locking mechanism to prevent multiple users from simultaneously modifying the same Settings document. This prevents Save Conflicts from occurring.  If a Lotus Notes client crashes or is not shut down properly while a Settings document is open, the Settings document may remain locked and the next attempt to open the Settings document may result in an error message being displayed.
To unlock the Settings document, do one of the following:
A . Shut down and restart the Symantec AntiVirus/Filtering for Domino server task:
  1. At the Domino server console, type the following command:
     TELL SAV QUIT This stops the Symantec AntiVirus/Filtering for Domino server task.
  2. At the Domino server console, after the Symantec AntiVirus/Filtering for
     Domino server task has stopped, type the following command:
     LOAD NTASK   This reloads the Symantec AntiVirus/Filtering for Domino server
     task and unlocks any locked documents in the Symantec AntiVirus/Filtering
     for Domino Settings database on the server.
B . Use the Unlock action button in the (Lockdocs) hidden view:
  1. Open the Symantec AntiVirus/Filtering for Domino Settings database.
  2. In the Settings document, press Ctrl and Shift, then on the View menu,
     click Go To.
  3. In the Go To dialog box, in the list, select (Lockdocs).
     This opens the hidden (Lockdocs) view. The locked document will
     have Locked displayed as its Status in the view.
  4. Select the locked document in the view, then click Unlock action.
     This unlocks the document, which lets you access it normally.