Lotus Domino is an IBM server product that provides enterprise-grade e-mail, collaboration capabilities, and a custom application platform. Domino began life as Lotus Notes Server, the server component of Lotus Development Corporation's client-server messaging technology. It can be used as an application server for Lotus Notes applications and/or as a web server. It also has a built-in database system in the format of NSF. It's directory services can be used for authentication purposes as well

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How to change logo image displayed by WorldClient (MDaemon)

WorldClient's branding (Logo) images now be easily customized In version 13x, MDaemon release a feature called WorldClient branding.  This can be configured within WebAdmin by logging in as a global Administrator, then clicking on "WorldClient Branding" option  from WebAdmin's "Main" menu then change the image as per your requirements .

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pop up message to users

Pop up message to user while trying to open server copy


 Open mail template in lotus designer and  follow the below steps..
Folder>>>($Inbox)>>>Postopen>>'Adding prompt..
Then script

' Last update : 24 September 2012
 ' Warning only to mbx owner
 Dim mysession As New notessession
 Dim myDb As NotesDatabase
 Dim MyMsg As String
 Dim mycalprof As NotesDocument
 Dim XUser As NotesName
 Dim XOwner As NotesName
 Set mydb = mysession.CurrentDatabase 
 ' Check only if user is owner
 Set mycalprof = mydb.GetProfileDocument("calendarprofile")
 If  mycalprof Is Nothing Then

 End If
 If Not myCalProf.HasItem("Owner") Then
 End If
 Set XUser = New NotesName(mySession.UserName)
 Set XOwner = New NotesName(myCalProf.Owner(0))
 If Lcase(XUser.Abbreviated) = Lcase(XOwner.Abbreviated) Then
  If (mydb.Server<>"") Then
   MyMsg="You are opening your mailbox on the server. " & Chr$(13) & _
   "Please use the local replica of your mailbox for better performance. "
   Messagebox MyMsg,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, "Warning"
  End If
 End If

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Blackberry Error

Below are the error happen while adding different domain user in BESserver
Inbox not found! (XXX /Domain)
PopulateFolderLIst failed because mail file could not be opened
UpdateFolderLIst failed because mail file could not be opened
Add BES server name in user DB ACL  and

Friday, May 25, 2012

Error: 'Your availability time range is invalid' when selecting Preferences in Mail file or Overflow

Create an agent and run on mail box .......

Sub Click(Source As Button)
    Dim session As New NotesSession
    Dim db As notesDatabase
    Set db=session.CurrentDatabase
    Set profile=db.GetProfileDocument("CalendarProfile")
    Call Profile.Remove(True)   
End Sub

Monday, April 2, 2012

"Notes Error: Adding entry will cause text list to exceed 64K. Entry not added."

Error Resolution
1. In the Designer client, open the agent, Upgrade Folder Design.

2. Add the following line in the (Declarations) event, below the entry, Global Variables:
    Dim folderlist(5000) As String

3. In the ProcessAutoUpdate subroutine, make the following modification. Replace the line, "Forall x In note.UserFolders," with these two lines:
      Forall x In folderlist
      If x="" Then Exit Forall

4. In the Initialize event, make the following modification. Change the code below (at approximately line 61), from:
    If (entry.document.hasitem("$ViewInheritedFrom")) Then
    Call UserFolders.appendtotextlist(Trim(NewFolderName) & strDelimiter &_

    to the following:
    NOTE: Only line 2 is modified; line 1 is included as a reference point):
    If (entry.document.hasitem("$ViewInheritedFrom")) Then
    folderlist(counter)=Trim(NewFolderName) & strDelimiter &_
5. IMPORTANT: To avoid a compile error, you must remove a bracket from the next line of code when making the changes outlined in Step 4.

By simply making the changes outlined above, you end up with an extra bracket that will cause an error when compiling the code:
    If (entry.document.hasitem("$ViewInheritedFrom")) Then
    folderlist(counter)=Trim(NewFolderName) & strDelimiter &_
    entry.document.GetItemValue("$ViewInheritedFrom")(0) & "]")
To resolve this problem, simply remove this last bracket:
    If (entry.document.hasitem("$ViewInheritedFrom")) Then
    folderlist(counter)=Trim(NewFolderName) & strDelimiter &_
    entry.document.GetItemValue("$ViewInheritedFrom")(0) & "]"

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Error updating local ID file: The information in the supplied certificate from the Address Book entry is out of date

From Notes end
Login to the user id Goto
File - Security - User Security -
Your Identity - Your Certificates - Click Others -
Mail.Copy Certificates(Public Key)--send mail to your administrator.

From Server end
Open the person document of the user (Edit Mode) and select Certificates and in the field - Notes certified public key, copy the user certificates and Click Save & Close.

Detecting corrupted databases

Automatic Corrupt Database Collection
When the Domino server detects that a database has corruption, it will automatically store the corrupted database as a separate file in a separate directory. The detection and collection of corrupted database is done at database open. To enable and control the automatic collection of corrupt databases, set the following Domino configuration variables:DATABASE_CAPTURE_ENABLED enables the automatic collection of a corrupted database as detected by the sever when the database is opened. Set to 1 to enable.