1. In the Designer client, open the agent, Upgrade Folder Design.
2. Add the following line in the (Declarations) event, below the entry, Global Variables:
- Dim folderlist(5000) As String
3. In the ProcessAutoUpdate subroutine, make the following modification. Replace the line, "Forall x In note.UserFolders," with these two lines:
- Forall x In folderlist
If x="" Then Exit Forall
4. In the Initialize event, make the following modification. Change the code below (at approximately line 61), from:
- If (entry.document.hasitem("$ViewInheritedFrom")) Then
Call UserFolders.appendtotextlist(Trim(NewFolderName) & strDelimiter &_
to the following:
NOTE: Only line 2 is modified; line 1 is included as a reference point):
- If (entry.document.hasitem("$ViewInheritedFrom")) Then
folderlist(counter)=Trim(NewFolderName) & strDelimiter &_
By simply making the changes outlined above, you end up with an extra bracket that will cause an error when compiling the code:
- If (entry.document.hasitem("$ViewInheritedFrom")) Then
folderlist(counter)=Trim(NewFolderName) & strDelimiter &_
entry.document.GetItemValue("$ViewInheritedFrom")(0) & "]")
- If (entry.document.hasitem("$ViewInheritedFrom")) Then
folderlist(counter)=Trim(NewFolderName) & strDelimiter &_
entry.document.GetItemValue("$ViewInheritedFrom")(0) & "]"
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