Lotus Domino is an IBM server product that provides enterprise-grade e-mail, collaboration capabilities, and a custom application platform. Domino began life as Lotus Notes Server, the server component of Lotus Development Corporation's client-server messaging technology. It can be used as an application server for Lotus Notes applications and/or as a web server. It also has a built-in database system in the format of NSF. It's directory services can be used for authentication purposes as well

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How to change logo image displayed by WorldClient (MDaemon)

WorldClient's branding (Logo) images now be easily customized In version 13x, MDaemon release a feature called WorldClient branding.  This can be configured within WebAdmin by logging in as a global Administrator, then clicking on "WorldClient Branding" option  from WebAdmin's "Main" menu then change the image as per your requirements .