Lotus Domino is an IBM server product that provides enterprise-grade e-mail, collaboration capabilities, and a custom application platform. Domino began life as Lotus Notes Server, the server component of Lotus Development Corporation's client-server messaging technology. It can be used as an application server for Lotus Notes applications and/or as a web server. It also has a built-in database system in the format of NSF. It's directory services can be used for authentication purposes as well

Monday, April 2, 2012

"Notes Error: Adding entry will cause text list to exceed 64K. Entry not added."

Error Resolution
1. In the Designer client, open the agent, Upgrade Folder Design.

2. Add the following line in the (Declarations) event, below the entry, Global Variables:
    Dim folderlist(5000) As String

3. In the ProcessAutoUpdate subroutine, make the following modification. Replace the line, "Forall x In note.UserFolders," with these two lines:
      Forall x In folderlist
      If x="" Then Exit Forall

4. In the Initialize event, make the following modification. Change the code below (at approximately line 61), from:
    If (entry.document.hasitem("$ViewInheritedFrom")) Then
    Call UserFolders.appendtotextlist(Trim(NewFolderName) & strDelimiter &_

    to the following:
    NOTE: Only line 2 is modified; line 1 is included as a reference point):
    If (entry.document.hasitem("$ViewInheritedFrom")) Then
    folderlist(counter)=Trim(NewFolderName) & strDelimiter &_
5. IMPORTANT: To avoid a compile error, you must remove a bracket from the next line of code when making the changes outlined in Step 4.

By simply making the changes outlined above, you end up with an extra bracket that will cause an error when compiling the code:
    If (entry.document.hasitem("$ViewInheritedFrom")) Then
    folderlist(counter)=Trim(NewFolderName) & strDelimiter &_
    entry.document.GetItemValue("$ViewInheritedFrom")(0) & "]")
To resolve this problem, simply remove this last bracket:
    If (entry.document.hasitem("$ViewInheritedFrom")) Then
    folderlist(counter)=Trim(NewFolderName) & strDelimiter &_
    entry.document.GetItemValue("$ViewInheritedFrom")(0) & "]"

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